Ray’s Review: Yomper+

Hi everyone, as Tim’s taking a break this month, here’s my first advice blog. I’ve decided to answer common questions on our popular Yomper+ wheelchair power add-on, so let’s get cracking…

Who is the Yomper+ ideal for?

It’s designed for active wheelchair users who want to be independent but require an element of powered assistance now and again. The Yomper+ is a power add-on but you can still easily propel your wheelchair when you want. It is ideal for users of all ages and abilities who want a hybrid solution.  

The beauty of the Yomper+ is if you’re using a wheelchair manually and come across an obstacle or incline, or need to propel for a longer distance, you can just activate the device and away you go.

It’s really versatile compared to other similar products as you can switch instantly to power, and take the product on and off quickly. We have lots of customers who choose to use their Yomper+ for short periods each day such as getting up a hill to work or on the school run. They may not need it then the rest of the day so can take it off.

Does it suit people who like to travel?

Yes. Travellers love the Yomper+ as its compact, comes in a nice portable case and has a flight friendly battery. The product only weighs 5.8kg so is really manageable to lift. If you’re about and out a lot, use a car or travel by taxis, then it’s the ideal power add-on.

What is its top speed?

It’s got a max speed of 10kph and has two mode settings for both indoors and out. We think this is a big plus as you can adjust the power output depending on how much space you have around you. And there are five speed settings in each mode, basically five gears, so you can have precision control and feel confident. 

What is one of the best features of the Yomper+?

The ‘Easy go box’, which controls the product, in our opinion, is one of the best on the market. It’s a separate control unit that you attach to your thigh with an elasticated strap meaning the buttons are right next to your hands and in your eyeline. The box is highly accessible however you’ll need a small amount of dexterity to use it. The feedback we’ve had from customers has been fantastic as they don’t have to go searching for controls nearer the ground which is common with other products. 

How simple is it to stop?

You have two ways of stopping the Yomper+, you can either simply tap the control box or pull back on the hand rims – the product cleverly detects the resistance. This is a massive benefit if you come up against a pothole or obstacle as the power turns off automatically. Most other products will continue to apply power which can be a safety concern if you struggle to find the deactivation switch quickly. When we demonstrate this to customers they are always impressed as they can see the peace of mind it will give. 

How long does it take to be delivered after an assessment?

Depending on our stock levels we aim to get the product to you within four weeks. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee this due to high demand, but we’ll always do our best for you.

Any other specifications that stand out?

The Yomper+ has an impressive 150kg max user weight and with a larger capacity battery, it can travel up to 34km on a single charge. 

In summary, why does Recare think the Yomper+ is an outstanding product?

We believe the Yomper+ outperforms all competitor products in its class. And it’s cheaper. The fact that it fits right under the middle of a wheelchair means you gain far more traction, and it doesn’t extend the length of your chair. This means manoeuvring in tight spaces is no issue whereas if you choose another product that sticks out the back, it can get in the way. Overall, a super solution that’s reliable, easy to use, simple to take on and off and highly portable. 

Plus one last tip!

When pairing your wheelchair with a front tracking wheel such as an Adventus, the versatility of the Yomper+ increases significantly. Together they deliver a smoother ride over uneven terrain, so your user experience is more pleasant and enjoyable. 

So that’s it from me, I hope these pointers have helped. To find out whether a Yomper+ power add-on is right for you, please give me or the friendly Recare team a call on: 01993 880200 or email info@recare.co.uk

See you soon!